“The city of Homewood approved more than $10 million in incentives for the project in September 2010, and it is expected to be a huge economic boost, said Mayor Scott McBrayer.
I was just called a “moron” by a commenter on al.com.
I guess I can’t take the comment personally because the commenter doesn’t know me.
I write this blog with the sole purpose of creating a conversation on how to fix our redundant, fractured, dysfunctional government. I post it on Comebacktown.com and then it is republished on al.com. I get no financial gain; I’m not running for office. I benefit just like you. If our region does well then businesses and jobs will be created and we can take pride in our community. Continue reading Why do we allow “meanies” to own al.com?→
(The Jefferson County Commission decided to close in patient services at Cooper Green Hospital . This post is about the awful government structure that created this kind of problem in the first place)
The headlines of the Birmingham New on August 11, 2012 screamed “City sues over Cooper Green.”
I feel like a jerk when I write a negative piece about Birmingham.
It pains me to criticize the community I love so much.
And it’s particularly hurtful when I get an e-mail from a community leader and friend chastising me like this one… Continue reading I hate being a jerk→
I’ve spent a great deal of time and effort trying to educate one of my best friends, who I will call Bob, about the problems created by our segmented and dysfunctional governments.