Category Archives: Government structure

Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining*

Local governments continue to steal businesses from one another and brag about the economic benefits.

Take this June 26th Birmingham News article about the new Target being built in Homewood.

“The city of Homewood approved more than $10 million in incentives for the project in September 2010, and it is expected to be a huge economic boost, said Mayor Scott McBrayer.

What the new Target will do is draw in shoppers from other cities, namely Mountain Brook and Vestavia Hills…” Continue reading Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining*

Republican National Convention to be held in Birmingham 2016

This headline is not true.

It could have proclaimed, “Democratic National Convention to be held in Birmingham in 2016,” but for sure no one would have believed that one.

Of course most of you didn’t believe the headline anyway since, even though we are a Republican state, it seems so far fetched.

Yet, the national conventions this year were held in Tampa and Charlotte. Continue reading Republican National Convention to be held in Birmingham 2016

Why do we allow “meanies” to own

I’m feeling pretty beat up as I write this post.

I was just called a “moron” by a commenter on

I guess I can’t take the comment personally because the commenter doesn’t know me.

I write this blog with the sole purpose of creating a conversation on how to fix our redundant, fractured, dysfunctional government.  I post it on and then it is republished on  I get no financial gain; I’m not running for office. I benefit just like you.  If our region does well then businesses and jobs will be created and we can take pride in our community. Continue reading Why do we allow “meanies” to own

We’re a bunch of goof balls for allowing government like ours

(The Jefferson County Commission decided to close in patient services at Cooper Green Hospital .  This post is about the awful government structure that created this kind of problem in the first place)

The headlines of the Birmingham New on August 11, 2012 screamed “City sues over Cooper Green.”

But here’s what the headline really says..

City of Birmingham sues Jefferson County

We’re suing ourselves. Continue reading We’re a bunch of goof balls for allowing government like ours

Clueless community leaders cheer Birmingham School seizure

Ed Richardson
Dr. Ed Richardson

I grew up in Mt. Brook.

My children went to Mt. Brook schools.

I now live in Vestavia Hills.

I belong to the Rotary Club of Birmingham.

Dr. Ed Richardson spoke recently to our Rotary Club.  There was a huge corporate crowd cheering Dr. Richardson as he explained how our State Department of Education is going to fix Birmingham’s dysfunction school system. Continue reading Clueless community leaders cheer Birmingham School seizure

Why would a leech kill its host?

I continue to get e-mails and blog comments from folks who live outside Birmingham and Jefferson County and wish the worst for us.

Here’s a comment I received from a prominent Shelby County business person…

“We make money when businesses move from Jefferson to Shelby.” Continue reading Why would a leech kill its host?

We have Alabama’s largest parking lot

Highway 280 East of Birmingham

I was on Hwy 280 driving towards Birmingham near Lloyd’s…

I’m still on Hwy 280 near Home Depot…

Creeping down Hwy 280 across from Riverview Animal Clinic

I’m thinking, “Why in heck am I still in my car?  I may never get back to the office.” Continue reading We have Alabama’s largest parking lot

Should Birmingham have to pay for everything?

Nature class at Ruffner Park

I’ve spent a great deal of time and effort trying to educate one of my best friends, who I will call Bob, about the problems created by our segmented and dysfunctional governments.

But Bob loves to complain about the City of Birmingham—even though he knows it makes my blood pressure explode. Continue reading Should Birmingham have to pay for everything?

Is political corruption rampant here?

Between 2003-2006 five CFO’s of HealthSouth were convicted of fraud.

Would it be appropriate to assume all CFO’s in the Birmingham area are crooked?

I think we can agree there was something in the corporate culture or structure at HealthSouth that created such blatant fraud. Continue reading Is political corruption rampant here?