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When you spend two years traveling to 50+ cities, 40+ states for Inc and Entrepreneur you gain a very unique perspective about the country. There isn’t a bad trip; everyone is putting their best foot forward.
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Shipt is one of Birmingham’s great start-up success stories. The company went from a few employees to a $550 million acquisition in less than five years.
The big question is, ‘How can Birmingham replicate that success?’
ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a more prosperous Birmingham.
Today’s guest blogger is Danny Markstein. If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.
Over the years – and especially recently – there has been a lot of conversation about branding Birmingham. Many other cities have engaged in processes to develop, launch and maintain their brands – with wildly varying levels of success. Continue reading Time to brand Birmingham for the 22nd century→