Tag Archives: David Sher

What’s the deal with David Sher and al.com?

David Sher, Publisher ComebackTown
David Sher, Publisher ComebackTown

Al.com has published my ComebackTown blog every week for more than five years–283 blogs.

These blogs have been read hundreds of thousands of times.

There have been tens of thousands of comments.

  • How did this happen?
  • How much do I get paid?
  • How much control does al.com have over my content?

Continue reading What’s the deal with David Sher and al.com?

Why many are criticizing David Sher

Ever since I began posting blogs with the intent to begin a community conversation on better government, I’ve received my share of criticism.

I was probably a little bit naive, but it came as a surprise.

I have a passion for our Birmingham region and I thought I was doing a good deed.

I’m not running for office and as best I can tell, I’m not benefiting financially. If anyone has any money making ideas, please let me know.  🙂 Continue reading Why many are criticizing David Sher

Birmingham is best in the world

Rotary sealUsually when someone makes a brash statement that something is the best in the world, its considered hype or exaggeration.

However, we can say with complete confidence that Birmingham has the biggest and best civic clubs on earth.

Our Birmingham Kiwanis Club is the largest in the world.

Our Birmingham Rotary Club is the largest in the world.

Our Birmingham Rotaract Club is the largest in the world. Continue reading Birmingham is best in the world

Being Jewish in Birmingham

Regions Bank in Birmingham at Christmas

“I’m Jewish.”

There, I said it.

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I’ve never actually said those words publicly to a broad audience.  (Please note I’ve never hidden my Judaism and most of my Christian friends know my religion.)

But when I began elementary school, my parents gave me one clear piece of advice.  “Don’t under any circumstance discuss religion or politics.” Continue reading Being Jewish in Birmingham

Is Birmingham different than the Titanic?

Here’s a comment I received on my post, Let’s move to the suburbs and attack the City of Birmingham.  I was trying to make a point that our region has suffered because many of our affluent and well educated citizens have abandoned Birmingham—and then they amplify their abandonment by attacking the city for being poor and uneducated.

Continue reading Is Birmingham different than the Titanic?

What’s killing America is killing Birmingham

On August 5, 2011, Standard & Poor lowered the U.S. debt rating saying, “The downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges.”

On November 9, just three months later, our Jefferson County filed the biggest U.S. municipal bankruptcy in history after an agreement among elected officials and investors to refinance $3.1 billion in sewer bonds fell apart. Continue reading What’s killing America is killing Birmingham

Look how far we’ve fallen

Regions Park in Hoover soon to lose the Birmingham Barons

I’m absolutely thrilled we are building a new baseball stadium downtown. When I was a child my dad took me to see the Barons play at Rickwood Field. Watching baseball with my dad created memories I will never forget.

I saw the Barons play teams like the Nashville Vols, the New Orleans Pelicans, the Memphis Chicks, and the Atlanta Crackers. Continue reading Look how far we’ve fallen

Is political corruption rampant here?

Between 2003-2006 five CFO’s of HealthSouth were convicted of fraud.

Would it be appropriate to assume all CFO’s in the Birmingham area are crooked?

I think we can agree there was something in the corporate culture or structure at HealthSouth that created such blatant fraud. Continue reading Is political corruption rampant here?