In a moment I’m going to disclose some shocking numbers that tell the perverted story of UAB and the University of Alabama Board of Trustees.
If you think about these numbers, they make sense, but no one seems to have put them together.
The University of Alabama was founded in 1831. UAB and UAH—afterthoughts—were created many years later. It’s easy to understand that since UA is the father—and UAB and UAH are the children, why the father would want to maintain his parental control. Continue reading Shocking numbers UA & UAB—THE TAIL’S WAGGING THE DOG→
ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.
Today’s guest blogger is 9 year old Annikah Mishra. She wrote this letter to President Obama at the beginning of the school year. She’s been patiently waiting for a response from the President (checking mailbox every day) and has not been very happy with his slow response.
Her parents posted this letter on Facebook and granted permission forComebackTownto republish.
If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.
ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.
Today’s guest blogger is Samantha Dubrinsky. We love to hear from young professionals. If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.
Sometimes, coming back from vacation can be tough. Spending time away from work can produce a completely full inbox of emails and many voicemails to return, but it’s nice to get away and take some time to relax every now and then.
I recently returned from a whirlwind trip to Canada where I got to see some of my friends who I met on my Birthright trip to Israel last February. Birthright is a free trip to Israel for young Jewish adults ages 18-26. Connecting with them was great! I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to see them again, but I left Canada feeling a little uneasy. Continue reading Young professional: I choose Birmingham ’cause I can make a difference→
Many people felt this election would make or break America.
When discussing the ramifications of the U.S. going broke or being driven into socialism, this small blog about metro Birmingham seems inconsequential.
Then I ran into this piece written by Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO of Gallup, and he reinforced the importance of our efforts to make our metro Birmingham great. Continue reading So goes Birmingham…so goes America→
I feel like a jerk when I write a negative piece about Birmingham.
It pains me to criticize the community I love so much.
And it’s particularly hurtful when I get an e-mail from a community leader and friend chastising me like this one… Continue reading I hate being a jerk→
Here’s a comment I received on my post, Let’s move to the suburbs and attack the City of Birmingham. I was trying to make a point that our region has suffered because many of our affluent and well educated citizens have abandoned Birmingham—and then they amplify their abandonment by attacking the city for being poor and uneducated.
Senator's Shelby and Sessions are always telling Birmingham to speak with one voice
Our BBA (Chamber of Commerce) takes a trip to Washington every year to visit our Alabama Senators and Congressmen and to lobby for legislation and money.
I was eating lunch at Rotary and I couldn’t believe the table conversation.
A Rotarian who is also a business owner said, “I am so disappointed in Birmingham. I hope when my children graduate college they’ll move to another city where they have greater opportunities.”