About Us

David Sher
David Sher, publisher ComebackTown

I’m David Sher, publisher of ComebackTown–to give voice to the people of Birmingham and Alabama.

Jefferson County, Alabama has had virtually no population growth in 50 years.

When I speak to groups, I always ask the audience to raise their hands if they think Birmingham has reached its potential.   No one has ever raised a hand.

Birmingham has always been called the “City of Perpetual Promise.” The purpose of ComebackTown is to help fulfill that promise.

Why do we continue to lose our jobs and our children to other cities?

Birmingham’s centrally located in the Sun Belt, is absolutely gorgeous, is easy to get around, has outstanding healthcare, and has very smart, generous people.  Why aren’t we competitive?

We don’t want to have out of control growth like Atlanta–we just want to be a sustainable Birmingham.


  • Accepts no advertising.
  • Publishes weekly
  • Also published by al.com. and the Birmingham Lede
  • Subscribe to our free e-newsletter. (every other week)
  • Invite David to speak to your group for free about Birmingham. dsher@amsher.com

If you have an interest in being a guest columnist, please click on this link.

David Sher is the publisher of ComebackTown.  He’s past Chairman of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce (BBA), Operation New Birmingham (REV Birmingham), and the City Action Partnership (CAP).

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To begin a conversation about a better Birmingham