ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.
Today’s guest blog was written by Will French as response to Heavy handed tactics lead to regrettable I-20/59 decision.
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I am relieved by Judge Ott’s recent ruling in favor of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) regarding the rebuilding of I-20/59. I am excited that the ruling will allow the project to go forward, and I think the people of Birmingham are the real winners here. Not losers.
Is it a perfect project? Of course not. Will it solve all problems with the current road? No. Is it the ultimate solution? Again, no. But will it be a substantial improvement over what we have now? Absolutely, emphatically, YES! Here’s what will be better: Continue reading Birmingham real winner in I-20/59 decision