I-59/20 through downtown Birmingham closed on January 21, 2019.
One year later, the bridges are open to traffic.
Everyone’s high fiving and we’re back to normal. Continue reading Living with a bad decision for the next 100 years
I-59/20 through downtown Birmingham closed on January 21, 2019.
One year later, the bridges are open to traffic.
Everyone’s high fiving and we’re back to normal. Continue reading Living with a bad decision for the next 100 years
Do you have any idea what’s about to hit us?
D Day is October 1st, 2018—next year.
And we’re letting it happen without a whimper—because, quite frankly, it’s too late.
This is just another example how we in greater Birmingham accept our helplessness and lack of vision. Continue reading Alabama must think we’re chumps (and we are)
ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.
Today’s guest blog was written by Will French as response to Heavy handed tactics lead to regrettable I-20/59 decision.
If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.
I am relieved by Judge Ott’s recent ruling in favor of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) regarding the rebuilding of I-20/59. I am excited that the ruling will allow the project to go forward, and I think the people of Birmingham are the real winners here. Not losers.
Is it a perfect project? Of course not. Will it solve all problems with the current road? No. Is it the ultimate solution? Again, no. But will it be a substantial improvement over what we have now? Absolutely, emphatically, YES! Here’s what will be better: Continue reading Birmingham real winner in I-20/59 decision
ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.
Today’s guest bloggers are Temple Tutwiler, III and Dixon Brooke. If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.
We are disappointed in Judge Ott’s recent ruling in favor of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) regarding the rebuilding of I20/59.
While the plaintiffs lose this round, it’s the citizens of Birmingham who are the true losers. It is a sad day for our community to have such a huge missed opportunity to make our community better for everyone. Continue reading Heavy handed tactics lead to regrettable I-20/59 decision
Let’s talk about the Alabama Department of Transportation’s controversial plan for expanding and reconfiguring Interstate 20/59 through downtown Birmingham.
My understanding is the plan calls for limited access to our downtown and for the continuation of 20/59 to cut through the heart of our city.
This controversy is a case study on why our metro area is powerless
Continue reading Birmingham powerless again