Tag Archives: Red Mountain Park

Hope for Birmingham hikers, bikers, and runners

Thomas Spencer
Thomas Spencer

Today’s guest columnist is Thomas Spencer

I confess.

I’ve run into a conflict of interest. Though, I think it’s better described as a confluence of interests.

As a public policy researcher in my professional life and as a hiker, biker, runner, history buff, and nature nut, I like public parks.

I like parks, trails, and greenspace because I enjoy using them. And I like them because they are good policy. Continue reading Hope for Birmingham hikers, bikers, and runners

Red Mountain Park faces a difficult future

David Dionne, Executive Director, Red Mountain Park
David Dionne, Executive Director, Red Mountain Park

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is David Dionne.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

I’m frustrated.

That’s why I’m willing to go out on a limb and disclose what’s going on at Red Mountain Park.

I see so much potential for Birmingham, for Red Mountain Park, and for our regional park system.

But the public, our potential donors, and government officials don’t seem to understand what we’re up against. Continue reading Red Mountain Park faces a difficult future

World-class adventure park being built in Birmingham

David Dionne, Executive Director, Red Mountain Park
David Dionne, Executive Director, Red Mountain Park

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is David Dionne.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

We are in the process of building Red Mountain Park into one of the finest adventure parks in America.

If you have never heard of the Park or still think we are near Vulcan’s statue then you need to stop and take a look around.  You will find an urban signature Park developing right beneath your nose and it will change your life and reshape your understanding of Birmingham.
Continue reading World-class adventure park being built in Birmingham

Why do we apologize for Birmingham?

David Dionne
David Dionne, Executive Director of Red Mountain Park

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is David Dionne.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

I moved to Birmingham in 2008, coming from a great job in Maryland where I was building and operating parks and trails.  I was lured to Birmingham after receiving a phone call about an opportunity at Red Mountain Park in Birmingham.  My knowledge of Birmingham was pitiful so I began to confirm the information provided by the recruiter.  First, I was astounded to learn that Birmingham was in the mountains.  Then I was delighted to find a city filled with outstanding restaurants, world-class hospitals, six universities, art museums, an excellent orchestra and an overall great quality of life. Continue reading Why do we apologize for Birmingham?

Birmingham’s back–tell the world

Regions Field first night fireworks

We need your help.

We’d like you to take action.

Do you know what’s really wrong with Birmingham?

We concentrate on our shortcomings and don’t celebrate our victories.

A funny thing happened while we were wallowing in self-pity. Continue reading Birmingham’s back–tell the world