Tag Archives: Racism

Birmingham: No one wants to talk about race

David SherRecently, I authored an artcle titled, “Surely this article will get me sued.

It was about the daughter of a friend of mine who while studying abroad was asked by a fellow student why Birmingham had a separate bar association for African-Americans.  (Her friend had discovered on the Internet)

I wrote specifically that I was not knowledgeable about our bar associations and I wasn’t being judgmental, but I was concerned with the perception of Birmingham since historically we have had a poor reputation for race relations.

I was immediately accused by commenters of “race baiting”… Continue reading Birmingham: No one wants to talk about race

Is racism the problem with Birmingham?

Birmingham during the early '60's

I hear it regularly, “The problem with Birmingham is racism.”

One of my first blogs, Let’s move to the suburbs and attack the city, quickly attracted two comments.  One was from (I assume) an African American blaming Birmingham’s problems on whites, “The racism is so obvious and so thick you can cut it with a knife.” Continue reading Is racism the problem with Birmingham?