Category Archives: What’s great about Birmingham

Can Birmingham get over its low self-esteem?

David Sher

One hundred years from now, when historians write the history of Birmingham, 2013 will be the year they say changed everything.

Birmingham’s been called the “City of Perpetual Promise.”  We’ve been described as the “Magic City” at our zenith and as the “Most segregated city in America” at our low point.

We’ve always been a great place to live, but not a great city.  2013 will be the year Birmingham begins its long-hard journey to become that great city. Continue reading Can Birmingham get over its low self-esteem?

Before I die I want to…

Matthew Hamilton
Matthew Hamilton

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is Matthew Hamilton.  We love to hear from young professionals.   If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

Last month was bittersweet for me.  First, the bitter: I had to destroy something I created.

For the last three months, I had supervised an interactive, community art project downtown.  It was a 60 foot blackboard wall on the side of a building across the street from Regions Field, with 135 spaces stenciled in white with the prompt “Before I die I want to…”  Any passerby was invited to pick up a piece of chalk and share their hopes and aspirations with the community. Continue reading Before I die I want to…

Jack Schaeffer has a clear “vision” for Birmingham

Jack Schaeffer
Jack Schaeffer

ComebackTown is published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is Jack Schaeffer who has some great ideas for Birmingham.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please  click here

I would like to discuss some of the great things that are happening in Birmingham right now, and also propose a few of my own ideas that I feel will help Birmingham progress as an amazing and special place to live.

First and foremost, the current governing administration Continue reading Jack Schaeffer has a clear “vision” for Birmingham

We moved to downtown Birmingham and LOVE it

Sue Johnson
Sue Johnson

ComebackTown is published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is Sue Johnson.  Sue has some great experiences to share.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please  click here

I took a walk this afternoon with my dog.  It’s been three years since my husband, Jimmy, and I moved downtown to live and to start a new venture by opening Dog Days of Birmingham.  As I walked, I reflected on our journey.

In 2009 we purchased the Hunter Furniture Store building Continue reading We moved to downtown Birmingham and LOVE it

Birmingham: Young professional stopped in his tracks

Jonathan Pinnick
Jonathan Pinnick

Comebacktown published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is Jonathan Pinnick . (We love when young professionals are guest bloggers)

I saw something during a recent trip to Regions Field that made me stop in my tracks. It was so exciting that I had to tell almost everyone I saw for the next week.

It wasn’t anything about the ballpark itself, though it is beautiful. It wasn’t anything about the game, which was great and ended with one of the many wins earned by the Birmingham Barons this season.

No, what I saw were Continue reading Birmingham: Young professional stopped in his tracks

I really, really, really like living in Birmingham

Glenn Kinstler
Glenn Kinstler

ComebackTown published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on better government for our region.

Today’s guest blogger is  Glenn Kinstler. (We love when young professionals are guest bloggers)

Okay, I have two admissions to make.

They are both pretty obvious.

But before I disclose, I want to put them in context.

My name is Glenn Kinstler.  I grew up in Birmingham, attended Altamont School, and received degrees from the University of Alabama and UAB.  So I know a thing or two about living in Birmingham and Alabama.

Now, my disclosures… Continue reading I really, really, really like living in Birmingham

Frizzy haired girl: Do I stay in Birmingham?

Katie Turpen
Katie Turpen

Comebacktown published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on better government for our region.

Today’s guest blogger is  Katie Turpen. (We love when young professionals are guest bloggers)

Growing up within the walls of Vestavia Hills, I was lost in a strange suburbia land. I claimed the city of Birmingham but didn’t see it as my home. I was an awkward teen searching for an identity beyond my mushroom mop and quite frankly, didn’t see a future where I was standing. Continue reading Frizzy haired girl: Do I stay in Birmingham?

Montgomery girl has love affair


Amanda Weil Sokol

Comebacktown published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on better government for our region.

Today’s guest blogger is Amanda Weil Sokol. (We love when young professionals are guest bloggers)

“Once Dying, Birmingham Suddenly Hot,” was the title of an Associated Press story that appeared recently in the New York Times and other newspapers nationwide. The well-written piece, by longtime AP writer Jay Reeves, highlighted how far Birmingham has come since the turmoil-ridden days of the Civil Rights era.

It is a refreshing read. As someone who loves this “Magic City,” it is exciting Continue reading Montgomery girl has love affair

Thousands will move to downtown Birmingham

It’s easy to predict the future of Birmingham.

Birmingham’s usually the last to do just about everything.  So if you want to see what’s about to happen, all you have to do is look elsewhere.

When I was Chairman of Operation New Birmingham (ONB) in 1995, CBS42 was desperately trying to build viewership for their newscast.  They were practicing “guerilla journalism” to try to shock and surprise people to build audience.

One day at a public ONB function, a news reporter from TV42 unexpectedly thrust a microphone in my face and asked, Continue reading Thousands will move to downtown Birmingham

New York is jealous of Birmingham

Birmingham makes the top of many city lists—some of which make us cringe.  However, most are not significant—and the methodology’s questionable.

But on lists that really matter, Birmingham often excels.

In fact, I could have titled this piece, “Atlanta is jealous of Birmingham” or “Chicago is jealous of Birmingham.”

Cities all over the U.S. want to be like us.

If you don’t believe me, Continue reading New York is jealous of Birmingham