Charles Barkley & Bo Jackson make empty promises

Bo Jackson
Bo Jackson

This is Birmingham’s time.

We are on a roll.

Our momentum is accelerating and it’s time for our hometown heroes to put their money with their mouth is.

Bo Jackson was quoted recently by the BBJ in an article titled, Would Bo invest in Birmingham?

“I have always thought about coming home to do something greater, but the timing just hasn’t been right. I have looked at doing things within the city at different times in the past and things just didn’t pan out. It could have been anything, like bringing restaurants and supermarkets to the downtown area. I am all about doing what I can to help people. I’m a firm believer that in order to be successful, you have to employ people. My main goal to come back home was to help employ some of the unemployed.”

Charles Barkley
Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley, as quoted in ComebackTown, 3 Things Charles Barkley said about Birmingham, when he spoke to the Rotary Club of Birmingham, August, 2013…

“I have been very frustrated with the City of Birmingham.  Going back to the last two Mayors, I’ve asked them for the last ten years or more, I would like to invest $20 million in Birmingham and both of them said to me, “Let’s do it,” and my phone never rings…and my people live here.  And they’ve had a couple of meetings and it was a waste of my time and my energy…and I’ve been very frustrated with the leadership in Birmingham…because I own a lot of stuff, but I don’t own anything in Birmingham.  All my financial people are here, been here for thirty years, but I don’t own anything in Birmingham.  I own a business in Huntsville, I own stuff all over the country, but I don’t own anything in Birmingham.  And like I say, do I want to make money, of course I want to make money, but being from here, I would like to have some economic development opportunity here.”

Well, Charles and Bo—this is a different Birmingham.  We are young and energetic and we’re just getting started.  Our downtown is growing and the best is yet to come.

We are not asking for charity or a contribution.  Your investment in Birmingham will earn you money.

There are still doubters–there always will be.  But your vote of confidence will pay big dividends for you, your legacy, and for our community.

Let’s turn Birmingham around.  Click here to sign up for our newsletter.  There’s power in numbers. (Opt out at any time)

David Sher is the publisher of ComebackTown, a co-founder of Buzz12 Advertising Agency and co-CEO of AmSher Collection Agency.  He’s past Chairman of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce (BBA), Operation New Birmingham (REV Birmingham), and the City Action Partnership (CAP).

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4 thoughts on “Charles Barkley & Bo Jackson make empty promises”

  1. David, 

    The title of your article seems a bit misleading since you don’t mention what good deeds these two successful and appreciative men have done in and for Alabama.  For instance there is Bo Bikes Bama, a now annual event that that Bo Jackson conducts and rides in that raises money for the tornado ravaged areas in Alabama. And you don’t bother to mention the fact that Charles Barkley gave a very large sum of money to his former high school, Leeds High School because he wanted to give back to his old school that I understand he very much appreciates for his years there and the lessons that he learned….in the classroom and about life. 

    Its easy to take shots a celebrities, especially local ones but have you thought about taking the time to pick up the phone and call them to try to talk about what they have in mind,? Or are you just going on hearsay from someone who might be misinformed or who knows…be a supporter of that other university in Tuscaloosa, Alabama where the names Charles Barkley, Bo Jackson and most especially Auburn University are not very popular for one reason or another. 

    Bo and Charles come back to Alabama a lot more than people realize, They love the state, the people and their beloved Auburn University. So its not like they sit in an ivory tower in some other part of the country ignoring the place where they were raised and have never forgotten. And never will. All I am saying is give them a chance…set up some sort of dialogue with one or both of them and you might be surprised. 

    Thank you for your time, David, 

    Charlie Riley                                                                                                                             Birmingham, AL  

    1. Charlie, So glad you posteed your comments. You are correct that both men have done good deeds. But Charles and Bo are very vocal that they want to invest in our region. We have great opportunities here now and their financial support would be a big boost for us. Hopefully they will find the right investment soon.

  2. *If I had to speculate, I would guess that it is probably less about these gentlemen having a desire to invest in us and more about them not being presented with viable projects to consider investing in.  

  3. *One thing to keep in mind about Birmingham is that it’s difficult for a minority business person/investor to do well here. We do have positive momentum but some things are still the same as it relates to wealth distribution. Guys like Bo and Charles have seen business done in other parts of the country and I’m sure they would not be willing to put up with how things tend to occur around business deals in this town. Just my 2 cent from my perspective.

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