What we give up by living in Alabama, ask Nick Saban

Former Alabama head coach Nick Saban at the Regions Tradition Pro-Am in Birmingham on May 8, 2024.Patrick Greenfield (al.com)
Former Alabama head football coach Nick Saban at the Regions Tradition Pro-Am in Birmingham on May 8, 2024.Patrick Greenfield (al.com)

By David Sher

Coach Saban seems to understand what we give up by living in Alabama.

This spring my wife and I attended our grandson’s high school graduation in Atlanta.

We’re so proud because our grandson had been accepted to Georgia Tech.

But then it struck us. Continue reading What we give up by living in Alabama, ask Nick Saban

What we can learn from Mtn. Brook and Birmingham beach tragedies

Hundreds of purple ribbons displayed in Mountain Brook as teens recover from shark attack
Hundreds of purple ribbons displayed around Mountain Brook as teens recover from shark attack

Today’s guest columnist is Jennifer L. Greer.

I was vacationing on the Gulf of Mexico last month when three young men, in their 20s, drowned in a rip current within hours of arriving in Panama City Beach, Fla.

They were from my adopted hometown, Birmingham, Ala. It was painful to hear the tearful sister of one young man describe how she longed for one last brotherly hug. She told a TV reporter: “I wish we had done more research (about the currents) before we went.” Continue reading What we can learn from Mtn. Brook and Birmingham beach tragedies

Media reports about Shipt Tower don’t reflect strength of downtown real estate

David Fleming
David Fleming

Today’s guest columnist is David Fleming.

Local media outlets have recently shared that Shipt Tower in downtown Birmingham has entered receivership.

The implications of the headlines and articles suggested declining occupancy played a key part in contributing to the tower’s current circumstances. Continue reading Media reports about Shipt Tower don’t reflect strength of downtown real estate

Hosting Major League Baseball affirms how far Birmingham has fallen

Major League Baseball at Rickwood Field 2024
Major League Baseball at Rickwood Field 2024

By David Sher

This is painful, but at a time when we should be celebrating one of Birmingham’s biggest moments, we must take a moment to reflect.

It’s not that I didn’t love the ‘Field of Dreams’ major league baseball game at Rickwood. I loved it with all my heart. Continue reading Hosting Major League Baseball affirms how far Birmingham has fallen

Finally 5 Points South gets it right

The Birmingham St. Patrick's Day parade on March 18, 2023, was a festive occasion in the Five Points South neighborhood. (Mary Colurso | mcolurso@AL.com)
The Birmingham St. Patrick’s Day in Five Points South. (Mary Colurso | mcolurso@AL.com)

By David Sher

We’re counting down the days.

Graffiti will be disappearing one by one.

Trash and litter on the sidewalk and streets will become rare.

Our homeless neighbors will receive regular outreach to help connect them to services and resources they need. Continue reading Finally 5 Points South gets it right

The secret meeting that changed Birmingham

Michael Pizitz
Michael Pizitz

Today’s guest columnist is Barbara Keight Staub.

“I would’ve beaten King if those damn merchants hadn’t given in.” — Bull Connor, Commissioner of Public Safety, 1963

Nine years after Brown vs. Board of Education ordered the integration of public schools, most private facilities in the Deep South were still segregated in 1963. Continue reading The secret meeting that changed Birmingham

To begin a conversation about a better Birmingham