Tag Archives: World Games

World Games impact much greater than 11 day event

Jim Coker
Jim Coker

Today’s guest columnist is Jim Coker.

Birmingham hosted the World Games from July 7th to July 17th, 2022.

Was it worth the time and expense?

Many folks are celebrating a big victory for Birmingham.

Others are not quite so sure.

What might the impact ultimately be for Birmingham?
Continue reading World Games impact much greater than 11 day event

Why World Games chose Birmingham

Alan Register
Alan Register

Today’s guest columnist is Alan Register.

The first World Games were played in Santa Clara, California in 1981.

They have not been played in America since.

Why then did they choose Birmingham?

And while we’re at it, why did the USFL select Birmingham?

There’s a simple answer, “a crazy idea” and “a winning streak.” Continue reading Why World Games chose Birmingham

Birmingham haters—Eat your hearts out

2013 World Games Cali, Colombia. (Photo compliments of World Games)

By David Sher

When I first began publishing ComebackTown ten years ago, comments were often dominated by the Birmingham haters and the so called CAVE people—Citizens Against Virtually Everything.

Birmingham was going nowhere and the Birmingham haters were relentless. Continue reading Birmingham haters—Eat your hearts out

Sick and tired of Birmingham being stereotyped as racist

16th Street Baptist Church, Birmingham

My wife and I got on the shuttle bus leaving Protective Stadium following a UAB football game.

We walked to the back, sat down, and watched as people boarded.

A young couple, likely UAB students, sat down in front of us. The male was African American and his girlfriend was white. He put his arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder.

And then do you know what happened? Continue reading Sick and tired of Birmingham being stereotyped as racist

The event that will change Birmingham forever

Darin White

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is Darin W. White, Ph.D .  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

Earlier this year it was announced that Birmingham, AL won the bid to host the 2021 World Games. Winning the bid to host the World Games is a tremendous opportunity for our city in so many different ways.

I told AL.com back in January that “It gives us the opportunity to create a positive and lasting legacy for our great city. It will spark dialogue and cooperation among the dozens of communities that make up Birmingham and allow us to build bridges that cut across racial and socioeconomic lines.” Continue reading The event that will change Birmingham forever