Tag Archives: vestavia hills

Mountain Brook could quell critics–benefit its children, parents, and community

Mountain Brook Board of Education
Mountain Brook Board of Education

These are trying times.

A stubborn pandemic and social unrest.

Words matter, but action is required.

The Mountain Brook Board of Education has an opportunity to take an action that could ultimately begin to change the dynamics of our region. Continue reading Mountain Brook could quell critics–benefit its children, parents, and community

JeffCo city councilors do the unexpected

Jennifer Andress
Jennifer Andress

Today’s guest columnist is Jennifer Andress.

If you’d like to be a guest columnist, please click here.

I’m writing on behalf of a group of elected officials from disparate Jefferson County cities that are doing what many people might have thought impossible. Continue reading JeffCo city councilors do the unexpected

Councilors from Mtn. Brook, Hoover, Vestavia, B’ham, Bessemer and Homewood take action

Jennifer Andress
Jennifer Andress

ComebackTown is published by David Sher for a more prosperous Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is  Jennifer Andress.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

If you have lived in the Birmingham area for any length of time, you know its greatest limitation: 35 municipalities in Jefferson County alone.

That’s 35 separate governments, duplicating services to its citizens and operating for each’s own well-being. Continue reading Councilors from Mtn. Brook, Hoover, Vestavia, B’ham, Bessemer and Homewood take action

Could be the biggest day in modern Birmingham history

Jefferson County population 1970-2017
Jefferson County population 1970-2017

April 3, 2019 could be the biggest day in Birmingham history.

This is not an exaggeration.

Our region has historically been plagued with distrust and dysfunction. Continue reading Could be the biggest day in modern Birmingham history

What we can learn from Vestavia Hills

Spouts' abandoned retail space on Highway 31 Vestavia Hills
Sprouts’ abandoned retail space Highway 31 Vestavia Hills

I publish an article about our Birmingham region every week, but this piece affects me more directly since I live in Vestavia Hills.

It also impacts my wallet since I spend a lot of money in my community and Vestavia raised our sales taxes from 9 to 10% last year. Continue reading What we can learn from Vestavia Hills

Pinch me! Is this really Birmingham?

Jefferson County Mayors' Association Meeting, October 17, 2018
Jefferson County Mayors’ Association Meeting, October 17, 2018

What’s going on in America?

Everyone seems to be divided.

Republican/ Democrat




No one seems to want to cooperate to achieve common goals. Continue reading Pinch me! Is this really Birmingham?