Tag Archives: USFL

All bets are off on Birmingham

City Walk BHAM World Games 2022
City Walk BHAM World Games 2022

By David Sher

This is the article I always wished to write, but didn’t know if it would ever be possible.

ComebackTown began publishing in February, 2012 with the sole purpose to begin a discussion about how to revitalize a struggling Birmingham. That’s why it was titled ‘ComebackTown.’ Continue reading All bets are off on Birmingham

Birmingham haters—Eat your hearts out

2013 World Games Cali, Colombia. (Photo compliments of World Games)

By David Sher

When I first began publishing ComebackTown ten years ago, comments were often dominated by the Birmingham haters and the so called CAVE people—Citizens Against Virtually Everything.

Birmingham was going nowhere and the Birmingham haters were relentless. Continue reading Birmingham haters—Eat your hearts out