Tag Archives: Tony Petelos

Tony Petelos: I was at death’s door

Tony Petelos, County Manager of Jefferson County
Tony Petelos, County Manager of Jefferson County

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is Tony Petelos.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

I’ve lived in and served Jefferson County my entire life.

However, I never would have imagined that living in Birmingham and in Jefferson County would have saved my life.

In May of 2014 I was diagnosed with an aggressive life-threatening bladder cancer. Continue reading Tony Petelos: I was at death’s door

Who’s the mayor of our region?

Mayor Petelos & Mayor Bell at launch of BBA Blueprint Birmingham


We know it’s not the mayor of Birmingham.

The City of Birmingham represents only 19% of the population of the metro area.

And Mayor Bell, who I strongly believe understands the importance of regionalism, has said on numerous occasions, “I was not elected mayor of the region.”

Continue reading Who’s the mayor of our region?