Tag Archives: Samantha Dubrinsky

Birmingham’s bright young future

Birmingham Regions Field Sign
Regions Field Sign (Mark Almond al.com)

I’m regularly asked, “Are you optimistic or pessimistic about Birmingham?

I always respond, ‘optimistic.’

The reason I’m optimistic is because we have a unique advantage.

Continue reading Birmingham’s bright young future

Birmingham’s award-winning food scene vilified: BAD FOR AMERICA

Samantha Dubrinsky
Samantha Dubrinsky

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is Samantha Dubrinsky.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

Earlier this year, it was announced that Food & Wine magazine would be relocating to Birmingham. For weeks, there were articles highlighting what a wonderful move this is for Birmingham and the food industry. Continue reading Birmingham’s award-winning food scene vilified: BAD FOR AMERICA