Tag Archives: New York Times

Montgomery girl has love affair


Amanda Weil Sokol

Comebacktown published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on better government for our region.

Today’s guest blogger is Amanda Weil Sokol. (We love when young professionals are guest bloggers)

“Once Dying, Birmingham Suddenly Hot,” was the title of an Associated Press story that appeared recently in the New York Times and other newspapers nationwide. The well-written piece, by longtime AP writer Jay Reeves, highlighted how far Birmingham has come since the turmoil-ridden days of the Civil Rights era.

It is a refreshing read. As someone who loves this “Magic City,” it is exciting Continue reading Montgomery girl has love affair

Langford and Bell may have saved Birmingham

Sunday, June 9th, I was watching TV when suddenly my cell phone lit up with e-mails from people everywhere.

They couldn’t wait to tell me about the positive story about Birmingham in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The San Francisco Chronicle, Associated Press, Yahoo News, etc. Pretty darn exciting when media everywhere are screaming, “(Birmingham) has a new vibe that’s generating buzz.”

Every major newspaper in the U.S.must have posted the AP piece, “Once dying Birmingham is suddenly hot.”  

I certainly loved the article, but was somewhat stunned Continue reading Langford and Bell may have saved Birmingham

VJ Graffeo dreams of Birmingham being an “it” city


V.J. Graffeo

Comebacktown published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on creating better government for our region.

Today’s guest blogger is V.J Graffeo, a young professional.

I’m a Birmingham homer.  I drink the Magic City Kool-Aid in such excess that I am often blind to our blemishes, dreaming that perhaps that just one day, we will transform into an “it” city.  Continue reading VJ Graffeo dreams of Birmingham being an “it” city

In Alabama, a county that fell off the financial cliff

February 19, 2012

Everyone from Birmingham should read this this piece from the New York Times:  “In Alabama, a County that fell off the Financial Cliff.”

As the article states, government structure, as usual, created this mess. Continue reading In Alabama, a county that fell off the financial cliff