Memphis Vaughan
Today’s guest columnist is Memphis Vaughan.
Recently ComebackTown published a column on the possibilities of a bullet train from Birmingham to Atlanta.
The response on social media was wildly positive.
Hundreds of commenters wanted to know why high speed rail and other visionary projects are dead on arrival in Alabama. Continue reading Imagine our future if Alabama leaders had vision →
Doug Martinson
Today’s guest columnist is Doug Martinson, II.
Tom Cosby, a long time Birmingham Chamber of Commerce champion, penned a column recently to proclaim that Huntsville is never going to be Alabama’s largest city .
Though Mr. Cosby probably had the best of intentions, he appears to be completely unaware how much Huntsville has grown and prospered. Continue reading Huntsville man stands up to Birmingham →
Tom Cosby
Today’s guest columnist is Tom Cosby.
There is a steady drumbeat in the clickbait news of how Huntsville is poised to overtake Birmingham as the state’s largest city.
While shocking in a man-bites-dog context, it is only true in the narrowest of contexts, that of comparing populations within a single municipality’s border. Continue reading Huntsville is never going to be Alabama’s largest city →
Mobile Skyline
Every seat was full at the Harbert Center last week.
Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric, one of the largest companies in the world, addressed a joint luncheon of the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs of Birmingham.
Rotarians and Kiwanians were thrilled to have the opportunity to see such an influential business executive– and hear him sing the praises of Alabama . Continue reading Are Birmingham business leaders loopy? →
Alabama’s four largest cities–Birmingham’s population has been in free fall
I got into a heated conversation with a good friend.
She told me she read that Huntsville may soon pass Birmingham as the largest city in Alabama –and was sure Birmingham would soon be relegated to second place.
This made no sense to me.
Who really cares if the City of Huntsville is bigger than the City of Birmingham because Metropolitan Birmingham is nearly three times as large as Metropolitan Huntsville.
Huntsville’s not even in the same league as Birmingham. Continue reading Did Birmingham blow its one big chance? →
To begin a conversation about a better Birmingham