Tag Archives: Hoover

Hoover parents, is this best for our kids?

Hunter Strickler
Hunter Strickler

Today’s guest columnist is Hunter Strickler.

It’s tough being a parent.

On nearly every topic related to kids (including the one in this column), I find myself with many more questions than answers.

Though my experience with youth sports is limited to Hoover and baseball,  parents in other OTM communities like Homewood and Vestavia Hills have told me they are wrestling with similar trends across youth sports.

Continue reading Hoover parents, is this best for our kids?

Hoover and Mountain Brook not immune from Coronavirus

Frank McPhillips
Frank McPhillips

Today’s guest columnist is Frank McPhillips.

If you’d like to be a guest columnist, please click here.

If you live in a leafy over-the-mountain community, you might think you have nothing to worry about when it comes to COVID-19.

The argument goes like this: the coronavirus won’t bother me because I don’t belong to an at-risk population. Continue reading Hoover and Mountain Brook not immune from Coronavirus

JeffCo city councilors do the unexpected

Jennifer Andress
Jennifer Andress

Today’s guest columnist is Jennifer Andress.

If you’d like to be a guest columnist, please click here.

I’m writing on behalf of a group of elected officials from disparate Jefferson County cities that are doing what many people might have thought impossible. Continue reading JeffCo city councilors do the unexpected

Author of ‘Why we escaped the Mtn. Brook bubble’ has second thoughts

Maury Shevin
Maury Shevin

Today’s guest blogger is Maury Shevin.

If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

I questioned the diversity of our suburbs when I wrote, “Why we escaped the Mountain Brook bubble.”

But, two recent events have given me pause for reflection. Continue reading Author of ‘Why we escaped the Mtn. Brook bubble’ has second thoughts

Hoover leadership showing courage and vision

City of Hoover signI’m not sure I appreciated it at the time, but it was a big deal.

The year was 2010 and the event was the opening of Railroad Park.

You would expect William Bell, the mayor of Birmingham, to be one of the speakers, but next to him was Tony Petelos, the then mayor of Hoover. Mayor Petelos spoke enthusiastically about the new park and the future of our Birmingham-Hoover metropolitan area. Continue reading Hoover leadership showing courage and vision

Councilors from Mtn. Brook, Hoover, Vestavia, B’ham, Bessemer and Homewood take action

Jennifer Andress
Jennifer Andress

ComebackTown is published by David Sher for a more prosperous Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is  Jennifer Andress.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

If you have lived in the Birmingham area for any length of time, you know its greatest limitation: 35 municipalities in Jefferson County alone.

That’s 35 separate governments, duplicating services to its citizens and operating for each’s own well-being. Continue reading Councilors from Mtn. Brook, Hoover, Vestavia, B’ham, Bessemer and Homewood take action

Alabama worst in the U.S. for sales tax red tape

Bruce Ely
Bruce Ely

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a more prosperous metro Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is  Bruce Ely.  If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

Alabama cities and counties depend heavily on revenues from sales taxes.

Unlike other states, sales taxes are the largest single source of tax revenue for Alabama municipalities and many counties. Continue reading Alabama worst in the U.S. for sales tax red tape