On nearly every topic related to kids (including the one in this column), I find myself with many more questions than answers.
Though my experience with youth sports is limited to Hoover and baseball, parents in other OTM communities like Homewood and Vestavia Hills have told me they are wrestling with similar trends across youth sports.
I’m not sure I appreciated it at the time, but it was a big deal.
The year was 2010 and the event was the opening of Railroad Park.
You would expect William Bell, the mayor of Birmingham, to be one of the speakers, but next to him was Tony Petelos, the then mayor of Hoover. Mayor Petelos spoke enthusiastically about the new park and the future of our Birmingham-Hoover metropolitan area. Continue reading Hoover leadership showing courage and vision→
Homewood has great schools, beautiful neighborhoods and friendly people. It’s convenient to just about everything and has a booming downtown. It seems like a new restaurant opens there every month. Continue reading Time for a tough talk with Homewood→