Category Archives: Guest columnist

Is Mountain Brook ready to listen?

Kevin Cornes
Kevin Cornes

Today’s guest columnist is Kevin Cornes.

MB Listens is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization founded by Mountain Brook residents.

We love our community and recognize we are privileged to live here.

We also understand that no place and nobody is perfect.

Mountain Brook has always faced challenges with its reputation regarding diversity, inclusion, and equality. Continue reading Is Mountain Brook ready to listen?

85 year old attorney muses about his youth, slavery, white flight, and Alabama constitution

J. Mason Davis
J. Mason Davis
Today’s guest columnist is J. Mason Davis.

I entered high school in January of 1948, at A.H. Parker High School.  I would have entered in September 1948, but the Principal, Bertrand H. Hudson, felt that I had accomplished all I would during the first semester of the Eighth Grade.  Hence, a social promotion, then known as “skipping”. Continue reading 85 year old attorney muses about his youth, slavery, white flight, and Alabama constitution

Alabama’s Klansman Supreme Court Justice

Roger Newman
Roger Newman

Today’s guest columnist is Roger Newman.

Few justices of the U.S. Supreme Court have ever become household names.

To most people they are a gray, anonymous lot, toiling in obscurity despite their obvious importance.

Only one justice has come from Alabama, Hugo Black.  He was more than a great judge and public servant, he was one of the relatively few people whose ideas have truly shaped our country and are still with us. Continue reading Alabama’s Klansman Supreme Court Justice

Mountain Brook dad ponders white privilege and special needs son

Trotter Cobb
Trotter Cobb

Today’s guest columnist is Trotter Cobb.

I grew up in Tuscaloosa in the 1950s and 1960s. I see now I lived a life of white privilege. My father had a successful business; we lived comfortably and we had a Black maid and a Black yard man.

I grew up thinking of them as if they were members of our family and content to be in such roles. Continue reading Mountain Brook dad ponders white privilege and special needs son

Scandalous voter fraud scheme dooms Alabama

Bill Ivey
Bill Ivey

Today’s guest columnist is The Bill Ivey.

In 1901, 155 frustrated, angry elite white males met to create Alabama’s 6th constitution. They built a horrible document that consolidated power at the top and cheated everyone else–then and now.

And, worst of all, the only reason it passed was due to massive voter fraud in Alabama’s Black Belt. Continue reading Scandalous voter fraud scheme dooms Alabama

Vote ‘NO’ Amendment #1 or risk perilous consequences

J.S. “Chris” Christie, Jr.

Today’s guest columnist is J.S. “Chris” Christie, Jr.

Vote for Trump.

Vote for Biden.

You’ve probably already made up your mind.

But pay close attention to the constitutional amendments at the end of the ballot.

Amendment #1 is particularly troubling. Continue reading Vote ‘NO’ Amendment #1 or risk perilous consequences

Get the hell out of here Nig*** and take that A**hole spy with you

Dr. Robert Glaze
Dr. Robert Glaze

Today’s guest columnist is Dr. Robert Glaze.

In early June of 1954, I returned home to Birmingham after my junior year of college, terribly concerned that the unanimous decision by the Supreme Court of the U.S. earlier in May requiring the integration of all school systems in the  nation would change the world of southern America for the better, but could cause chaos. Continue reading Get the hell out of here Nig*** and take that A**hole spy with you

Can we continue to allow Alabama to be known as a racist state?

L. Brunson White
L. Brunson White

Today’s guest columnist is L. Brunson White.

You might be asking yourself if your vote will make any difference in November.

No one doubts that Trump will win in Alabama–so whether you are a Democrat or Republican why bother to vote? Continue reading Can we continue to allow Alabama to be known as a racist state?