Red Mountain Cut idea goes viral (New video)

Red Mountain Cut at night
Vision of Red Mountain Cut (Photo courtesy of Red Mountain Cut Foundation)

By David Sher

Two weeks ago Bryson Stephens grabbed Birmingham’s attention with a brilliant idea for a lighted bridge alongside the Red Mountain Cut–an idea that could change the face of Birmingham.

The response has been positive and overwhelming.

Called “Gateway to the City, Bridge to the future,” a new website and video have just been launched.

Click on A one-of-a-kind world-asset that could change the face of Birmingham to read Bryson’s original column.

Click on to view the newly released website and video.

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David Sher

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2 thoughts on “Red Mountain Cut idea goes viral (New video)”

  1. I have just seen, read, and signed. It looks like nothing will stop this!

    Keep it as publicly supported, non-tax based as possible. Government tax payers can be the worst of all nay-sayers, but they can do little to stop a big team of real leaders like the active professionals and supporting organizations and companies as this already has. The it will more full speed ahead. God Speed!

  2. I’m reading the site. I was wondering if anyone knows the answer to this question: heading up the street (22nd) towards the old Red Mountain Museum site, you notice something that looks like tracks on the street. What was that for? Was it part of the museum or the old Birmingham Iron Railroad?

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