I really, really, really like living in Birmingham

Glenn Kinstler
Glenn Kinstler

ComebackTown published by David Sher & Phyllis Neill to begin a discussion on better government for our region.

Today’s guest blogger is  Glenn Kinstler. (We love when young professionals are guest bloggers)

Okay, I have two admissions to make.

They are both pretty obvious.

But before I disclose, I want to put them in context.

My name is Glenn Kinstler.  I grew up in Birmingham, attended Altamont School, and received degrees from the University of Alabama and UAB.  So I know a thing or two about living in Birmingham and Alabama.

Now, my disclosures…

  • When I promise to do something–I always do it
  • My family and I love living in the City of Birmingham

Disclosure #1:

I am a completer:  I began writing this blog on May 20, but life and work kept getting in the way.  But, as you can see, I got it done.

Disclosure #2:

I love living in the city of Birmingham:  (Here’s my initial blog–plus my additions)

My family and I just had a terrific family-friendly weekend, and we never left the city limits of Birmingham.  It was Do Dah Day weekend.  We started Saturday morning at the Pepper Place Farmer’s Market, and then headed to Do Dah Day.  Then Sunday, we went to Railroad Park Block Party, and then to Avondale Park for a late afternoon event.

But since that day, I frequently notice that we continue to have great family fun in Birmingham.  We live in Crestwood and make frequent use of the newly renovated Crestwood and Avondale Parks.  We go to Pepper Place market almost every Saturday, and so far this year, we have been to six Birmingham Barons games at Regions Field.  And, we regularly go to Railroad Park, Highland Avenue, Lakeview and other locations in Birmingham.

From time to time, I hear people say how unsafe Birmingham-proper is.  Well, let me state unequivocally that during all of these activities mentioned above, we have felt completely safe and secure.  I have not been in fear for one second, and in fact, we have met the happiest, friendliest people every time – people of all races, colors and economic groups.

To be fair, we do venture out of Birmingham for some activities: Jemison Park in Mountain Brook, the Lakeshore Trail in Homewood, the Zoo, and Homewood Park are among our favorites.  But we do things in Birmingham every weekend.  Not just because we live here, but because that’s where we want to go.  These places are fun!

Glenn Kinstler is a relationship manager at 2B solutions.  He and his wife just celebrated their 10 year wedding anniversary and they have an 18 month old little boy.  

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David Sher is the publisher of ComebackTown, a co-founder of Buzz12 Advertising and co-CEO of AmSher Collection Agency.  He’s past Chairman of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce (BBA), Operation New Birmingham (REV Birmingham)), and the City Action Partnership (CAP).

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One thought on “I really, really, really like living in Birmingham”

  1. *It would have been nice to see someone correct Glenn’s misconception that the BIRMINGHAM ZOO, (on the sign at the entrance) was not in the city.

    I will go ahead and inform the many that the BIRMINGHAM BOTANICAL GARDENS are also in the city. And the city park in which they reside is named, Lane Park.

    Anytime other citizens of the area want to feel a deeper pride in them just arrange to have your representatives contribute to adding ‘METROPOLITAN’ to both of those signs.

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