Birmingham is best in the world

Rotary sealUsually when someone makes a brash statement that something is the best in the world, its considered hype or exaggeration.

However, we can say with complete confidence that Birmingham has the biggest and best civic clubs on earth.

Our Birmingham Kiwanis Club is the largest in the world.

Our Birmingham Rotary Club is the largest in the world.

Our Birmingham Rotaract Club is the largest in the world.

How’s that possible?  Birmingham isn’t that big.

And we can claim that the Civitan Club was founded here in Birmingham.

We are so fortunate because our clubs donate and work tirelessly supporting numerous causes.

Our Birmingham Rotary Club recently announced a plan to create a pedestrian and bicycle greenway on an abandoned railroad line that runs along First Avenue South.  This new linear park should be a game changer for our downtown rail corridor between the Railroad Park and Sloss Furnace.  Add that to our new baseball park and Children’s Hospital and Birmingham will never be the same.

Our Birmingham Kiwanis Club is equally impressive.  Without Kiwanis, Birmingham would likely not have Vulcan and Kiwanians are responsible for many of the improvements at our Birmingham Zoo.

And there’s scores of Kiwanis, Rotary, and civic clubs in our region.

By every measure our corporate and civic generosity is unparalleled.

I doubt if any other community in the U.S. has a United Way that’s made it’s goal every years since World War II.

Our United Way is recognized as fifth in the U.S. for individuals who contribute $10,000 a year or more.  Note that Birmingham’s the 50th largest metropolitan area, but 5th in big givers.

Our Birmingham region is one of the most generous in America and our corporate and civic clubs are at the heart of that generosity.

David Sher’s goal is to create a conversation on how to fix our fragmented and dysfunctional local government.

David Sher is a partner in Buzz12 Marketing and co-CEO of AmSher Receivables Management. He’s past Chairman of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce (BBA), Operation New Birmingham (ONB), and the City Action Partnership (CAP).

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3 thoughts on “Birmingham is best in the world”

  1. *Hard to believe that an article can be written about civic clubs in Birmingham without mentioning Civitan International.  It was founded in Birmingham 95 years ago and has clubs in 34 countries around the world, including some twenty or more in the Birmingham area.  In addition it has probably made the most significant lasting contribution to humanity of all the clubs with the initial  funding and on going support of the Civitan International Research Center on the UAB campus, which is conducting groundbreaking research on developmental disabilities.  Civitan’s contribution to the center exceeds $20 million and is growing.  hats off to Birmingham, home of Civitan International – still headquartered in Birmingham.

    1. Dick, you are so “right” to amplify the great work that Civitan International does and continues to do. I apologize for not being more knowledgeable. Please note, however, that I did mention Civitan. “And we can claim that the Civitan Club was founded here in Birmingham. If I had known more at the time I certainly would have mentioned it because it would only prove Birmingham’s amazing civic clubs. Thanks for your insight. I’m learning as I go along.

  2. *Hard to believe that an article about civic clubs in Birmingham has no mention of Civitan International, founded in Birmingham in 1917 and now has clubs in thirty-four countries around the world including twenty  in the Birmingham area.  In addition Civitan has probably had the most lasting impact on humanity with its initial funding and ongoing support of the Civitan International Research Center on the UAB campus.  Over $15 million has been contributed to the Center by Civitan, which is conducting ground breaking research in the area of developmental disabilities.  Because of Civitan’s ongoing support the center is able to generate approximately $30 million a year in research grants. Hats off  to Birmingham, home of Civitan International..

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