Tag Archives: President Obama

9 year old Birmingham girl likely to be first woman President

Anniah Mishra
Annikah Mishra, likely first woman President

ComebackTown is published by David Sher to begin a discussion on a better Birmingham.

Today’s guest blogger is 9 year old Annikah Mishra. She wrote this letter to President Obama at the beginning of the school year.  She’s been patiently waiting for a response from the President (checking mailbox every day) and has not been very happy with his slow response.

Her parents posted this letter on Facebook and granted permission for ComebackTown to republish.

If you’d like to be a guest blogger, please click here.

Dear President Obama,

My name is Annikah Mishra and I’m 9 years old starting 4th grade. Continue reading 9 year old Birmingham girl likely to be first woman President